During a cryolipolysis fat freezing treatment

What happens during a cryolipolysis – fat freezing treatment?

What happen during a cryolipolysis fat freezing treatment - ICE AESTHETIC

4 steps of a cryolipolysis (fat freezing) treatment

  1. Measuring of fat layer with a caliper
  2. Application of cold protection cloth
  3. Application of applicator on body area
  4. Cryolipolysis applicator sucks the fat tissue into a vacuum and cools it down below the freezing point for about 70 minutes


At the beginning of the procedure, a cryolipolysis specialists will mark the zones to be treated in consultation with the patient. Body areas that can be treated by fat freezing are: abdomen, arms, calves, chin, knees, love handles, saddle bags and thighs. The area will be covered by a special cryoprotectant gel-towel in order to prevent skin-damages. A cup-shaped applicator (read more about CRISTAL cryolipolysis device and applicators) will then be placed on the treated body area and the fat tissue below is sucked into a vacuum. Most patients notice a light tugging sensation which goes away after around 10 minutes. Then the gentle cooling begins in stages with temperatures just below the freezing point. The cooling continues for around 70 minutes.

During the cryolipolysis treatment, patients can relax, read, listen to music, surf the internet, make calls, sleep or watch a film while the cryolipolysis device treats the fat cells. The result of cryolipolysis will be visible within the following 4 to 12 weeks.


Watch our video about cryolipolysis:


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